If you are visiting this page, chances are you have your own sweet piece of land and are considering becoming a blueberry farmer. If so, there are a couple of ways to approach this very rewarding crop that fits smaller and generous budgets alike. For instance, a smaller budget farmer may choose a younger plant where a larger budget farmer would have room to purchase a more mature plant. Another consideration would be determining your size: 1/2 Acre, 1 Acre, 2 or more Acres, and so on. Bluegrass Blueberries are growers of both bare root (uncontainerized) blueberry plants and containerized blueberry plants all ranging from 1-4 years old!
Advantages of purchasing bare root blueberry plants for a farm start-up:
A bare root blueberry plant is a very cost-effective way for the smaller-budget farmer to start his farm project. We at Bluegrass Blueberries would recommend that bare root blueberries be potted up for root growth before installing into the ground. A safe rule of thumb is for a plant to have at least 2 years of healthy root growth before installing. If you are a small budget farmer and have the time and space for potting, then bare root plants might just be for you! For more information on how to plant bare root blueberry plants in containers and what kind of soil to use “click here”.
Advantages of purchasing container blueberry plants for a farm start-up:
A container blueberry plant will range from 2-4 years old at Bluegrass Blueberries. The root ball is quite sufficient and sturdy for in-ground installation, assuming the soil is right. If you are a larger budget farmer, then the benefit would be years ahead in production. For more information on how to get your ground ready for planting a blueberry farm “click here”.
What will the blueberry plants cost for my farm project?
If you are going to be planting an acre or more of blueberry bushes, a recommended ratio for a 4\’ spacing would be approximately 1,049 plants/acre. Bluegrass Blueberries offer volume discounts for those planting blueberry farms who will need more than 1,000 plants. If you buy 1,000 plants the following volume prices would apply:
4-10 inch (1 yr. or less) bare root at $2.65
10-18 inch (2 yr.) bare root at $4.20
1 gallon (2 yr.) containers at $5.75
2 gallon (3 yr.) containers at $8.50
3 gallon (3-4 yr.) containers at $12.00
Contact Bluegrass Blueberries at (270) 432-5836 or email us at blueberrynurseryky@gmail.com for shipping or delivery quotes.